Нийтлэгдсэн 2022-03-07

Good Aviation Practice booklets

1999 оноос ИНЕГ нь Шинэ-Зеландын иргэний нисэхийн дүрмийг ИНД-ийн суурь болгон ашиглаж байгаа бөгөөд NZCAA-с гаргасан дараах гарын авлагуудыг та бүхэнд мэдээлэл болгон эх хувиар нь толилуулж байна.

Энэ мэдээлэлтэй холбоотой санал хүсэлт байгаа бол rule@mcaa.gov.mn хаягаар Дүрмийн хэлтэст хандана уу.

Becoming a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer
For anyone thinking of taking up a career that’s varied, highly skilled, and absolutely critical to aviation safety, this booklet gives the nuts and bolts of how to get started.
Being a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer – junior
Following on the success of How to be a pilot – junior, the CAA’s safety promotion team has now produced Being a LAME – junior, introducing 8-13 year olds to an aviation maintenance career.
Bird hazards
Bird strikes tend to happen between 50 and 800 feet during take-off or landing. This booklet offers measures to avoid these potentially catastrophic collisions.
Flying around volcanoes

This booklet will give you an overview of New Zealand’s volcanoes, their hazards, and outline where you can find information on their current activity and the applicable aviation rules.

Fuel management
This booklet examines the reasons behind the preventable issues of fuel starvation and exhaustion, and contains practical advice to make you more skilled in managing fuels.
Helicopter performance
Performance-related helicopter accidents are quite common in New Zealand. This booklet examines factors affecting performance and provides safety guidance to pilots, including examples pilots can test themselves on.
How to be an aircraft owner
Owning their own aircraft is a dream for many pilots. But owning an aircraft carries many responsibilities and obligations. This booklet describes what those are, for each category of aircraft.
How to be a chief flying instructor
This guide outlines the basic responsibilities associated with – and the personal and professional qualities needed for – a role that is complex, busy and highly skilled.
How to be a pilot
Whether you want to be a weekend flier, or a 737 captain, initially you’ll follow much the same process. This booklet explains how, during training, you’ll learn about yourself, the aircraft, weather, flying environment, and the rules pilots use to keep their flying safe.
How to be a pilot – junior
This booklet introduces 8-12 year olds to what is involved in becoming a pilot; and to a possible career in aviation.
How to be a safety manager
This booklet includes advice on the personal and professional qualities needed to be an effective safety manager overseeing a robust safety management system. It also includes brief guidance from current safety managers on the role.
How to be a senior person
Organisation certificate holders are required to have people designated as senior persons with specific responsibilities. This booklet prepares would-be senior persons for what will be required of them.
How to deal with an aircraft accident scene
This booklet provides guidance to the police, emergency services personnel, and others on what to do if they see, or have to attend, an aircraft accident.
How to navigate the rules
Whether aviation is your business or pleasure, you must follow the Civil Aviation Rules, established by the Minister of Transport in the public interest. This booklet explains the process of rule-making, and gives you an idea of the ones applying to your aviation activity.
How to report occurrences
Aviators have always looked at accidents and near misses to find out what went wrong, and how they can stop it happening again. This booklet offers step-by-step instructions on how to report, what to report, and who should report.
Mountain flying
In New Zealand, you’re bound to encounter mountainous terrain sooner or later. Special skills, knowledge and flying techniques are needed to navigate such terrain. This booklet outlines how to prepare for such flights.
New Zealand airspace
It’s crucial to aviation safety that pilots, including drone operators, have a sound knowledge of airspace. This booklet explains the different classes of airspace, visual navigation charts, and the available air traffic services.
Night VFR
There are more risks and threats flying at night than flying during the day, so it’s essential to be trained specifically for night flying. This booklet looks briefly at some underlying principles and practices, including handling emergencies.
Plane talking
Plane talking is about good radio operating practice, including communicating effectively with air traffic control. Read it together with Advisory Circular AC91.9 Radiotelephony Manual.
Secure your aircraft
This GAP booklet covers tying-down techniques and knots for multi-engine aircraft, helicopters, floatplanes, and skiplanes.
Spin avoidance and recovery
This GAP booklet explains the conditions encouraging an aircraft to unintentionally spin, and what you can do about them. The CAA gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the Tiger Moth Club of New Zealand in the production of this booklet.
Do you know how long you could survive without air, shelter and clothing, rest, water, or food? This booklet offers specific advice on surviving in New Zealand’s different environments.
Take-off and landing performance
A significant number of accidents and incidents occur during take-off and landing. This booklet explains the factors affecting performance during these phases, and explains the responsibilities of the pilot-in-command.
This booklet covers all aspects of getting MET, to improve your weather-related decision making.
Wake turbulence
This booklet warns pilots about the effects of wake turbulence, gives advice on avoiding it, and recovery techniques should you get caught. There’s information on helicopters, weight categories, separation, and occurrence reporting.
Weight and balance
This booklet emphasises the importance of calculating accurate weight and balance before a flight, including in multi-engine aircraft, and especially in aerobatics. It takes the reader through some worked examples, and includes a template they can reproduce for their own use.
Winter flying
Winter means an altered operating environment. This booklet includes advice on ice protection systems, preflight preparations, and what to expect during starting, taxiing, take-off, during flight, landing, and parking.


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