Нийтлэгдсэн 2013-09-07

These one time fixes have been used extensively in the last

General Fund Draws Harshest Glare of Scrutiny

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Santa Barbara General Fund is at the epicenter of budget workshop discussions, since canada goose outlet store it makes up canada goose outlet online less than half the city budget but hosts almost all the deficits.

Economic downturns hit the General Fund hardest because it fuels canada goose outlet toronto factory the traditional canada goose outlet online uk government services that depend on tax revenues for income. Combined with ever increasing expenses, the city of Santa Barbara has struggled with making multimillion dollar spending cuts for the past several years.

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The General Fund hosts the public safety, community development, parks and recreation, library, public works and administrative departments.

Tax revenues are the biggest source of income for governmental funds and all local taxes have canada goose outlet reviews lost years of growth as a result of the recession.

Since 2000, the General Fund expenses have increased to $99.6 million for the 2010 budget from $63.9 million. canada goose outlet in usa Expenditures came in above revenue levels in 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009, according to city documents.

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Staff members try to fashion solutions that limit canada goose outlet uk significant cuts to service, such as leaving positions vacant, using reserves and negotiating labor concessions. These one time fixes have been used extensively in the last two fiscal years, which each canada goose outlet jackets had a $10 million funding gap.

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A 25 percent official canada goose outlet reserve level represents three months of revenues, for unprecedented situations in which the city gets no revenues but still accrues expenses, Samario said. It breaks down into 15 percent for disaster reserves, 10 percent for budgetary reserves and a straight $1 million in capital reserves, which has never been touched.

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The economy recovery will likely be slow, and tax revenues have lost years goose outlet canada of growth. Samario mentioned the shape some believe the recovery will take once in, it takes a long time to get out, and the possibility of a recession. Sales tax revenues, for one, have been than we ever thought they could be, he said.

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