Нийтлэгдсэн 2014-06-09

Fords aren the only father son students at Backbeat

Taking music lessons is a family affair

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Inspired by his son, Scott signed up at Backbeat last year. thought: the heck, I finally going to try guitar, goose outlet canada he says.

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He also performed onstage with his son. The Fords, accompanied by their teachers, played Queens of the Stone Age speedy rock number, Little Sister, at a Backbeat show last June. A few months later, they played Jack White blues rock explosion, Lazaretto, at the school Christmas concert.

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a kid, I know I dreamt about being able to get up onstage and play. But it a lot cooler to get up on stage and actually play with my son. Fords aren https://www.canadagoosejacketonlines.ca the only father son students at Backbeat.

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