Нийтлэгдсэн 2013-09-18

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We’re all going to die! They have nuclear missiles. Why are you just sitting there doing nothing?! We have to get out of here. North Korea wants to kill us and our president keeps making it worse. The Ayrshire formed outfit, whose members are now spread between California and Scotland, recorded latest LP Wild Pendulum in replica hermes belt uk freezing conditions in the American mountains.This week, they’ll be playing the songs in snowy Glasgow with a gig at Oran Mor on Thursday.Trashcans guitarist John hermes replica bracelet Douglas said: “We recorded it in winter in a snowbound Nebraska. Too cold to go outside, snow 4 feet deep perfect conditions to be in a studio crammed with vintage guitars, amplifiers, microphones and genius producer, Mike Mogis who produced Bright Eyes and First Aid Kit.”We had the songs and a kind of camp fire camaraderie. Good company, cosy and safe from the snowstorms.”The new release from the well loved outfit comes seven years since their last album In The Music, and after a period of illness for John who was diagnosed with autoimmune hermes birkin bag replica cheap disease ulcerative colitis in 2013.He said: “It’s just the way it went.

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