Нийтлэгдсэн 2019-09-10

Discussion paper and presentations of DGCA56

DAY 1 (19th August 2019, Monday)

Agenda Item 1 a: Theme Topic — “Harmonizing Efforts to Meet the Capacity Constraints”
Reference Title Presented By
DGCA-56/DP/1a/1 ICAO’s Overview of APAC Regional Activities to Mitigate Regional Capacity Constraints ICAO
DGCA-56/DP/1a/2 Driving ATM Performance through Collaboration CANSO
DGCA-56/DP/1a/3 Technology Upgradation for Meeting Capacity Constraints India
DGCA-56/DP/1a/4 Targeted and Precise Oversight in the Civil Aviation Industry of China

Presentation: Targeted and Precise Oversight of CAAC

DGCA-56/DP/1a/8 Constraints in Safety Oversight to Cope Growing Aviation Activities Nepal
DGCA-56/DP/1a/9 Report of the Montreal Group of Asia-Pacific Representatives on the Council of ICAO the Representative of the Republic of Korea on the ICAO Council, on behalf of the ICAO Council Representatives of Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore
DGCA-56/DP/1a/10 Alignment of Global, Regional and National Efforts for Air Traffic Management Modernisation Japan, Singapore and Thailand
Agenda Item 2: Review of Action Items arising from the previous Conference
Reference Title Presented By

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Responses from Administrations to Action Items Arising from the 55th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation, Asia and Pacific Regions  ICAO
Agenda Item 3: Aviation Safety
Reference Title Presented By
ICAO Overview – Safety and Air Navigation

Presentation: Safety and air navigation update

DGCA-56/DP/3/1 A Proportionate and Risk-Based USOAP-CMA New Zealand
DGCA-56/DP/3/2 Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) – Pacific Context New Zealand
DGCA-56/DP/3/3 Inspector Competencies for Effective Safety Management Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and UK

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State-Industry Data Collection, Analysis and Information Sharing for Aviation Safety Singapore, USA, EU Aviation Safety Agency, IATA and co-sponsored by China, Indonesia, Philippines, Airbus, AAPA, Boeing and FSF
DGCA-56/DP/3/5 Development of Thailand’s SSP Thailand
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Guidance Material on ANS Regulatory Oversight Bangladesh
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Need of Mandatory Provision for ANS Certification for Effective and Efficient Delivery of Air Navigation Services Nepal
DGCA-56/DP/3/23 Nepal
DGCA-56/DP/3/24 A Commercial Drone Delivery Service – from Concept to Regulatory Approval Australia
DGCA-56/DP/3/27 Challenges in Safety Performance Management

Presentation: Challenges in Safety Performance Management

Agenda Item 4: Air Navigation
Reference Title Presented By
DGCA-56/DP/4/1 Key APAC Air Traffic Management Challenges ICAO
DGCA-56/DP/4/2 India
DGCA-56/DP/4/3 Japan, Singapore, Thailand, USA and EUROCONTROL
DGCA-56/DP/4/11 Impact of the Prolonged Closure of the Lahore and Karachi FIRS IATA
DGCA-56/DP/4/22 Pacific Airspace Organisation and Management Kiribati

DAY 2 (20th August 2019, Tuesday)

Agenda Item 1 b: Panel Discussion
Reference Title Presented By
Agenda Item 5: Aviation Security and Facilitation
Reference Title Presented By
ICAO Overview – Security and Facilitation

Presentation: Security and Facilitation 

Key outcomes of RASCF/7 RASCF Chair

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Developments in the Facilitation Programmes   ICAO
  DGCA-56/DP/5/2 Report on Aviation Security Assistance and Capacity Building   ICAO
DGCA-56/DP/5/4 Accommodating More Passenger Traffic through More Efficient Facilitation Singapore
DGCA-56/DP/5/5 Promoting Aviation Security Training  Singapore
DGCA-56/DP/5/6 The Application of State Cyber-Security Controls to Aviation New Zealand

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Aviation Facilitation – ACI’s Efforts to Accommodate the Needs of Persons with Disabilities  ACI
DGCA-56/DP/5/8 Aviation Cyber Security IATA

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Application of Unified Information Platform to Airport Aviation Security —— Take Beijing Daxing International Airport as an Example China
Agenda Item 6: Economic Development of Air Transport
Reference Title Presented By
ICAO Overview – Economic Development of Air Transport

Presentation: Economic Development of Air Transport 

  DGCA-56/DP/6/1 ICAO’S Work for Economic Development of Air Transport ICAO
  DGCA-56/DP/6/2 Taxation of International Air Transport   ACI and IATA

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Asia Pacific Airport Infrastructure Capacity and Capital Investment Planning   IATA
DGCA-56/DP/6/4 Multiparty Liberalisation as Stepping Stone to Achieving International Liberalisation Singapore and co-sponsored by Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia and Thailand
Agenda Item 7: Aviation and Environment
Reference Title Presented By
ICAO Overview – Aviation and Environment

Presentation: Aviation and Environment 

  DGCA-56/DP/7/1 ICAO Recent Developments on Environment – Climate Change ICAO
  DGCA-56/DP/7/2 ICAO Recent Developments on Environment – Other than Climate Change ICAO
DGCA-56/DP/7/8 Ensuring the Success of CORSIA Implementation Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and IATA

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ACI’S Contributions to the Combat against Climate Change

Presentation – ACI’S Contributions to the Combat against Climate Change

Agenda Item 8: Technical and Regional Cooperation
Reference Title Presented By
ICAO Overview – Technical Cooperation

Presentation: ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau – SARPs Compliance with Excellence 

DGCA-56/DP/8/2 Building Aviation Competencies for the Future Singapore
DGCA-56/DP/8/3 Supporting ICAO CAT Missions to Assist States with Safety Oversight and Implementation of State Safety Programmes Bangladesh
DGCA-56/DP/8/10 Developing a Robust Air Traffic Demand and Capacity Prediction Capability for ANSP

Presentation: Developing a Robust Air Traffic Demand and Capacity Prediction Capability for ANSP

Hong Kong China
Bhutan, Vanuatu and ACI
DGCA-56/DP/8/14 Introduction to the Technical Cooperation Programme and ICAO Global Aviation Training

DAY 3 (21st August 2019, Wednesday)

Agenda Item 10: Aeronautical Meteorology for Executives by ICAO
Reference Title Presented By
Introduction to Aeronautical Meteorology for Executives Session

ICAO –Aeronautical Meteorology for Executives 

Agenda Item 9a: Beijing Declaration – Follow up and way forward
Reference Title Presented By
Workshop Schedule
Workshop 1.
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Advance Planning Briefs for Workshop 2

Where does APAC Stand with the Beijing Declaration Commitments?

Presentation: Beijing Declaration – Follow up and way forward Beijing Declaration – Report Card on Status of APAC States

Presentations and Outcomes of Breakout Workshops:

  1. Breakout Workshop – Beijing Declaration 
  2. Breakout Workshop Outcome – Beijing Declaration 
  3. Breakout Workshop Outcome – Human Resource Development 
Agenda Item 9b: Updates from ICAO and Partners (Conference Hall)
Reference Title Presented By
Commercial Market Outlook for Asia-Pacific, 2019-2038 Boeing Company
MOLIT, Republic of Korea
How A-CDM Boosts Airport Intelligence VariFlight
Agenda Item 11: Preview of papers – 40th Session of ICAO Assembly
Reference Title Presented By
DGCA-56/DP/11/1 Preview of ICAO Papers for the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly ICAO
DGCA-56/DP/11/2 Preview of Australia’s Papers for the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly Australia
DGCA-56/DP/11/3 Areas of Interest for the United States at the 40th Session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly USA
DGCA-56/DP/11/4 CANSO Working Papers for the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly CANSO
DGCA-56/DP/11/5 Views of the United States on Environmental Topics at the 40th ICAO Assembly USA

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Preview of China’s Papers for the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly  China
DGCA-56/DP/11/10 Singapore’s Papers for the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly Singapore
United Arab Emirates Executive Summary on A-40 Assembly Papers UAE

DAY 4 (22nd August 2019, Thursday)

Title: Concept Note for Round Table discussion – 2020 APAC Civil Aviation Ministerial Conference

DGCA’s Round Table on Second APAC Civil Aviation Ministerial Conference – What next? 


DAY 5 (23rd August 2019, Friday)

Agenda Item 12: Other Business
Reference Title Presented By
Agenda Item 12a: Any other matters
Reference Title Presented By
DGCA-56/DP/12a/1 Regional Cooperation Mechanisms Task Force – Progress Report

Presentation: Regional Cooperation Mechanisms Task Force.

RCM Task Force
DGCA-56/DP/12a/2 Ratification of the Protocol amending Article 50 (A) and Article 56 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation ICAO
DGCA-56/DP/12a/3 Schedule of Meetings/ Seminars/ Workshops to be Convened in 2020 by the ICAO Asia and Pacific Office ICAO
DGCA-56/DP/12a/4 Schedule of Conferences of DGCAs in the Foreseeable Future ICAO
Agenda Item 12b: Theme topic for the forthcoming conference of DGCAs
Reference Title Presented By
DGCA-56/DP/12b/1 Proposal on the Theme for the 57th Conference of the Directors General of Civil Aviation in Asia and Pacific Regions

Presentation – Proposal on the Theme Topic for the 57 DGCA Conference

Agenda Item 12c: Endorsement of Action items arising from the present Conference
Reference Title Presented By
List of Action Items
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