Advisory Circulars

Advisory circulars are part of The Rule Development Process and provide explanatory information and examples of how to comply with the rule. If you find any issue related to the below information, send an email to the Rule Division at See "Flight test standard guide" in the "Legislation & Regulation/Information". General ACs № AC Title Effective date 1 AC00-1 Acceptability of Parts 09.Aug.2016 2 AC00-2 Storage and distribution of aeronautical supplies 31.Mar.2016 3 AC00-3 Internal Quality Assurance 09.Aug.2016 4 AC00-5 Parts Documentation-CAA Form One-Authorized Release Certificate 09.Aug.2016 CAR interpretation summary  5 AC01-0 Annex-ын нэр томьёоны тайлбар 29.Aug.2023 6 AC01-1 Иргэний нисэхэд түгээмэл хэрэглэдэг Англи үгсийн орчуулга 28.Aug.2023 Part 12    Accidents, Incidents and Statistics 7 AC12-1 Mandatory occurrence notification and information 04.Apr.2022 8 AC12-2 Incident Investigation 04.Apr.2022 Part 21    Certification of Products and Parts ... Read More

Civil Aviation Rules

If you find any issue related to the below information, send an email to the Rule Division at Part Title Effective date Definitions and interpretation ИНД-ийн нэр томьёоны тайлбар CAR interpretation summary 12.Apr.2022 Procedures ИНД-11 Дүрэм боловсруулах, дүрмийн шаардлагаас чөлөөлөх 07.May.2010 ИНД-12 Part 12 Осол, зөрчил болон статистик мэдээлэл Accidents, Incidents, and Statistics Procedure 12.Jun.2019 ИНД-13 ИНД-13 Зөрчлийг шалгах Албадан хэрэгжүүлэх дүрэм (төсөл) 07.May.2010 09.Oct.2023 Aircraft ИНД-21 Part 21 Бүтээгдэхүүн, эд ангийн гэрчилгээжүүлэлт Certification of Products and Parts 16.Oct.2023 ИНД-26 Part 26 Нислэгт тэнцэх чадварын нэмэлт шаардлага Additional Airworthiness Requirements 12.Jun.2019 ИНД-39 Part 39 Нислэгт тэнцэх чадварын удирдамж Airworthiness Directives 12.Jun.2019 ... Read More

Mongolian Aviation Acts

If you find any corrections required to the information below, send an email to the Rule Division at Acts Issue date Amendment date The Constitution of Mongolia 13.Jan.1992 14.Nov.2019 Civil Aviation law /revised version/ 07.Jul.2023 - Civil Aviation law 21.Jan.1999 06.Jan.2023 State Aviation Law 30.May.2003 19.Apr.2018 Usage of Airspace in Aviation 30.May.2003 04.Dec.2015 Crimes Act 03.Dec.2015 10.Oct.2019 Violation Act 11.May.2017 20.Dec.2019 Mongolian International Aviation Agreements / Conventions see referred link Safety Orders of DG see referred link State Safety program (Model SSP) 14.Apr.2016 14.Apr.2016 Draft laws and Model law see referred link  ... Read More

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