Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation &…

If you find any corrections required to the information below, send an email to the Rule Division at Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation Doc. No. Current editions Edition No. Edition Date  Doc 7300 Convention on International Civil Aviation 9 2006 Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Annex current editions Edition No. Amend. No. Applicable  Date Annex 1 Personnel Licensing Ажилтны үнэмлэх 14 178 03.Nov.2022 Annex 2 Rules of the Air Нислэгийн дүрэм 10 46 08.Nov.2018 Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation Олон улсын нислэгийн цаг уурын үйлчилгээ 20 80 04.Nov.2021 Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts Нислэгийн зураг 11 61 04.Nov.2021 Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations Иргэний нисэхийн хэмжлийн нэгж 5 17 18.Nov.2010 Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft: Агаарын хөлгийн үйл ажиллагаа:     – Part I — International Commer... Read More

SCAA (State Civil Aviation Authority of Russia)

International Arrangement Effective Date MoU between Russia and Mongolian Transport Ministry (Mon) Sep.2014 MoU between Russia and Mongolian Transport Ministry (Rus) Sep.2014 Working Arrangement SCAA of Russia and MCAA (Rus) 27.May.2019 Working Arrangement SCAA of Russia and MCAA - unofficial translation (Mon) 27.May.2019  ... Read More

EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)

International Arrangement Effective Date MoU between EASA and MCAA for Environmental Protection (Eng) 05.Jun.2012 MoU between EASA and MCAA for Environmental Protection – unofficial translation (Mon) 05.Jun.2012 Proposed WA EASA and MCAA - ... Read More


Exemption means compliance of the CAR by alternative means approved by the Director. A petition for exemption is a request to the Director of Civil Aviation to provide relief from any specified requirement in a Civil Aviation Rule approved by the Minister. Before granting an Exemption, the Director will consider whether an applicant’s proposal provides a level of safety, or risk control, equivalent to that required by the existing rule. Applicant Responsibility Petitions should be accompanied by safety and risk assessments. To be able to successfully assess an application, the CAA requires the documentation and supporting evidence to clearly support the reasons for the Exemption request, including any proposed actions or conditions to maintain an appropriate level of safety. Legal Criteria In order to grant an Exemption the Director will need to be satisfied in all cases that the risk to safety will not be significantly increased by the granting of the exemption. It is essential that appropriate evidence is provided to demonstrate that these grounds are met. The grounds are: the requirement has been substantially complied with and that... Read More

International Arrangement

If you find any corrections required to the information below, send an email to the Rule Division at ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) FAA (Federal Aviation Administration of the United States) SCAA (State Civil Aviation Authority of Russia) IAA (Irish Aviation Authority) NZCAA (New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority) ICAO related documents ... Read More


Зурагт хуудсыг ИНД-ийг тайлбарлан таниулах зорилгоор бэлтгэн гаргасан. Зурагт хуудсыг хүссэн хэмжээгээр хэвлэн, үйл ажиллагаандаа ашиглана уу. Зурагт хуудастай холбоотой санал хүсэлтээ хаягаар Дүрмийн хэлтэст ирүүлнэ үү.   Зурагт хуудас Өөрчлөлт / Огноо 1 Part-119 Senior Persons Requirement Rev.12/ 11.Jan.2023 2 Altimeter setting Rev.6 / 02.Jan.2023 3 Civil Aviation Activity Rev.13 / 21.Oct.2022 4 ICAO guidance related to operational procedures to support the development of inspector guides Rev.0 / 17.Jan.2022 5 Operating Within The Mongolian Civil Aviation Rules Rev.7 / 14.Jan.2022 6 VFR Visibility Minima Rev.7 / 10.Nov.2021 7 Civil Aviation Rules Summary Rev.18 / 04.Feb.2020 8 Civil Aviation Rules and Advisory Circulars Rev.0 / 12.Feb.2020 9 Civil Aviation Rules and Forms Rev.0 / 04.Mar.2020 10 Civil Aviation Safety Regulatory Structure... Read More

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