Published on 2021-11-04


Маягт нь ИНД-ийг хэрэгжүүлэхэд үйл ажиллагаа эрхлэгчид болон ИНЕГ-ын хоорондын харилцааг оновчтой, тодорхой болгоход зориулсан баримт бичиг юм.
Маягтын файл нь PDF болон Word өргөтгөлтэй бөгөөд PDF маягтыг Adobe Acrobat Reader программыг ашиглан нээж, шууд бөглөж, хэвлэх болон хадгалах боломжтой. Word өргөтгөлтэй файлыг Google chrome-оос бусад browser (Firebox, Internet explorer г.м) ашиглан татаж авна уу.
Маягттай холбоотой санал хүсэлтээ хаягаар Дүрмийн хэлтэст ирүүлнэ үү.


Experience Logbooks
1 CAA 1373 Pilot logbook
2 CAA 6601 Maintenance Training and Experience Logbook
3 CAA 6501 ATS logbook
Technical Logbooks
4 CAA 2101 Aircraft logbook
5 CAA 2110 Propeller logbook
6 CAA 2158 Engine logbook
7 CAA 1464 Aircraft / Engine / Propeller Airworthiness Directives logbook
8 CAA 006 Technical Logbook
9 CAA 400 Maintenance Record Sheet and Separator Card



Form Number Title Effective date
1 810 NPRM Submission Form 06.Mar.2020
2 24FPP (En.)
24FPP (Мон.)
Fit and Proper Person Questionnaire
Тохирох, зөв хүний анкет
3 24FPPDEC (En.)
24FPPDEC (Мон.)
Fit and Proper Person Declaration
Тохирох, зөв хүний мэдүүлэг
4 24011/01 (En.)
24011/01 (Мон.)
Petition to Raise a Regulatory Issue
Эрх зүйн зохицуулалт гаргах хүсэлт
5 24011/02 (En.)
24011/02 (Мон.)
Petition for an Exemption
Дүрмийн шаардлагыг өөр хэлбэрээр хэрэгжүүлэх хүсэлт
6 HSU-01 Notifiable Occupational Disease 04.Mar.2020
7 HSU-02 Notification of Death Notifiable Injury or Illness 26.Mar.2020
8 HSU-03 Notification of a Notifiable Incident 26.Mar.2020
9 HSU-04 Health & Safety Incident or Accident Investigation 04.Mar.2020
10 201 (En.)
201 (Мон.)
Application for Employment
Ажилд орох хүсэлт
Part 12 Accidents, Incidents, and Statistics
11 CA005 Occurrence Report 14.Feb.2018
12 CA005AG (En.)
CA005AG (Мон.)
Occurrence Report – Helicopter and Agricultural Aviation Operators
Хэрэг явдлын мэдээлэл – Нисдэг тэрэг болон Хөдөө аж ахуйн зориулалттай нислэгийн үйл ажиллагаа эрхлэгч
13 CA005B Bird Incident Notification 07.Jul.2022
14 CA005D (En.)
CA005D (Мон.)
Defect Report
Гэмтэлтэй холбоотой мэдээлэл
15 CA005i Occurrence investigation report 22.Mar.2023
16 CA005RPAS Occurrence Report – Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS/UAVs) 26.Mar.2020
17 CA005SKYDIVE Occurrence report – Adventure Aviation Skydiving Operations 26.Mar.2020
18 Emergency flight Emergency Flight Notification and Report 07.Jul.2022
19* 605

Part 121/125

Part 135/141

Part 137

Part 115

Aircraft Operations Statistics Summary

Aircraft Operations Statistics Air Transport Operators

Aircraft Operations Statistics Air Transport and Training Operations

Aircraft Operations Statistics Helicopter and Agricultural Operators

Aircraft Operations Statistics Adventure Aviation Operators






20* 800 Laser Beam Exposure Questionnaire 07.Jul.2022
21 010 Volcanic Activity Report 07.Jul.2022
22 ICAO Pilot Form Wake Vortex Reporting Form for Pilots 31.May.2016
23 ICAO ANSP Form Wake Vortex Reporting Form for Air Navigation Service Providers 31.May.2016
Part 21 Certification of Products and Parts
24 2129 Aircraft Radio Station Approval 07.Jul.2022
25 24021/01 Issue or Change to a Type Certificate 07.Jul.2022
26 24021/02 Issue or Amendment of a Type Acceptance Certificate 07.Jul.2022
27 24021/05 Issue of Standard/Restricted Airworthiness Certificate 07.Jul.2022
28 24021/06 Application for a Special Category Airworthiness Certificate 07.Jul.2022
29 24021/07 Issue of a Special Flight Permit 07.Jul.2022
30 24021/08 Application for a Change to a Type Certificate 03.Mar.2016
31 24021/09 Issue of a Supplemental Type Certificate 03.Mar.2016
32 24021/10 Issue of an Export Certificate of Airworthiness 07.Jul.2022
33 24021/11 Application for Deviation from Specification 07.Jul.2022
34 24021/12 Technical Standard Order Authorisation 03.Mar.2016
35 24021/13 Parts Manufacturing Approval Authorisation 03.Mar.2016
36 24021/14 Light Sport Aircraft Statement of Compliance 03.Mar.2016
37 24021/20 Electrical Load Analysis 26.Mar.2020
38 24021/22 Application for one-off major design change authorisation 22.Mar.2023
39 2115 Eligibility Statement Amateur-Built Aircraft 31.May.2016
40 2171 Agreement to Supply Manufacturer’s Data 07.Jul.2022
41 2188 Notice of Intention to Construct an Amateur-Built Aircraft 03.Mar.2016
42* 337 Design Change – Application for approval of Technical Data (Part 21), and Conformity Certificate – Major Modification, Major Repair (Part 43) 07.Jul.2022
43 8100-1 Conformity Inspection 07.Jul.2022
44 8110-3 Statement of Compliance with Airworthiness Requirements 07.Jul.2022
45 8130-9 Statement of Conformity 07.Jul.2022
46 8120-10 Request for Conformity 19.Apr.2017
47 820 Application for support to obtain foreign validation of a Mongolian aviation design approval 22.Mar.2023
48 24021(19/03) Application for Test Pilot Approval – Amateur-Built 03.Mar.2016
49 24021(19/04) Application for Test Pilot Approval – Experimental Flying 07.Jul.2022
Part 39 Airworthiness Directives
50 24039/01 Application for Alternate means of Compliance 03.Mar.2016
Part 43 General Maintenance Rules
51 Form 1 Parts Documentation – CAA Form One – Authorised Release CertificateSee AC00-5 31.May.2016
52 Form 2 Parts Documentation – CAA Form Two – Mongolia Domestic Part LabelSee AC43-3 Technical log 31.May.2016
53 2102 Aircraft Weight & Balance Report 03.Mar.2016
54 2173 Weight & Balance Data 03.Mar. 2016
42* 337 Design Change – Application for approval of Technical Data (Part 21), and Conformity Certificate – Major Modification, Major Repair (Part 43) 07.Jul.2022
55 043/01 AC43-14 Modification Record 19.Apr.2017
Part 47 Aircraft Registration and Marking
56 24047/01 Registration of Aircraft 03.Mar. 2016
57 24047/02 Fit and Proper Person Questionnaire – Aircraft 03.Mar. 2016
58 24047/03 Change of Possession – a guide for existing and new owners 03.Mar. 2016
59 24047/03A Change of Possession of Aircraft Form (use when the person relinquishing possession is unavailable) 03.Mar. 2016
60 24047/04 Identifiable Paint Scheme and Marking 03.Mar. 2016
61 24047/05 Deregistration of Aircraft 03.Mar. 2016
62 24047/05A Deregistration of Aircraft Form (use when the person relinquishing registration is unavailable) 03.Mar. 2016
63 24047/08 Operator Statement Details 27.Apr.2016
64 24047/09 Submission of an Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorisation 03.Mar.2016
65 24047/09A Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorisation 03.Mar.2016
66 24047/10 Removal Request – Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorisation 03.Mar.2016
67 24047-14 Application to change the registration mark of a Mongolian registered aircraft 22.Mar.2023
Part 61 Pilot Licences and Ratings
68 24061/01 Issue of Flight Crew Licence or Prime Rating 27.May.2020
69 24061/01-RPL Application for Issue of Recreational Pilot Licence – (RPL) Aeroplane 03.Mar.2016
70 24061/02 Application for Issue of Mongolia Flight Crew Licence – Foreign Licence Holders Only 16.Mar.2020
71 24061/03 Application for Flight Test Conducted by CAA 03.Mar.2016
72 24061/04 Amendment to a pilot licence 18.Mar.2020
73 24061/05 Airline Transport Pilot Licence Aeroplane – Flight Test Report 03.Mar.2016
74 24061/06 Airline Transport Pilot Licence Helicopter – Flight Test Report 03.Mar.2016
75 24061/07 Instrument Rating – Aeroplane/Helicopter Competency Demonstration Report Form 03.Mar.2016
76 24061/09 Recognition Act – Pilot Licence Issue 25.Mar.2020
77 24061/11 Record of BFR – Demonstration of Continued Competency for RPL or PPL(A) 03.Mar.2016
78 24061/12 Record of BFR – Demonstration of Continued Competency for PPL(H) 03.Mar.2016
79 24061/13 Single Pilot Certificated Aeroplane Competency Demonstration Record 31.May.2016
80 24061/14 Record of BFR – Demonstration of Continued Competency for CPL(A) 03.Mar.2016
81 24061/15 Record of BFR – Demonstration of Continued Competency for CPL(H) 03.Mar.2016
82 24061/16 Flight Test Report: Flight Instructor Rating Competency Demonstration – Aeroplane 03.Mar.2016
83 24061/17 Flight Test Report: Flight Instructor Rating Competency Demonstration – Helicopter 03.Mar.2016
84 24061/18 Application for Issue of a Validation Permit for Pilots Only Wishing to Undertake Short Term Private VFR Operations in Mongolia 03.Mar.2016
85 24061/19 Application for Issue of a Validation Permit (Foreign CPL and ATPL Only) 03.Mar.2016
86 24061/20 Flight Test Report: GA Flight Examiner Rating Competency Demonstration – (A) or (H) 03.Mar.2016
87 24061/21 Demonstration of Competency – Type Rating – Helicopter 27.Apr.2016
88 24061/22 Flight Test ReportPrivate Pilot Issue Flight Test – Aeroplane 03.Mar.2016
89 24061/23 Record of BFR – Demonstration of Continued Competency for CPL (Balloon) 03.Mar. 2016
90 24061/25 Record of Competency Demonstration for Issue or Continued Competency for the Aerobatic Rating – Aeroplane 03.Mar. 2016
91 24061/26 Flight Test Report – Private Pilot Issue Flight Test – Helicopter 03.Mar. 2016
92 24061/30 Flight Test Report – Agricultural Flight Examiner Competency Demonstration (A) or (H) 19.Apr.2017
93 24061/31 Application for accreditation of a new or modified GA synthetic training device (STD) for approved uses 22.Mar.2023
94 24061/121 Flight Test Report: Airline Flight Examiner Rating Competency Demonstration – Part 121 03.Mar. 2016
95 24061/125 Flight Test Report: Airline Flight Examiner Rating Competency Demonstration – Part 125 03.Mar. 2016
96 24061/135 Flight Test Report: Airline Flight Examiner Rating Competency Demonstration – Part 135 31.May.2016
97* 600 Application for Replacement Licence 27.Apr.2016
98* 601 Application for Exchange to New Format Licence 27.Apr.2016
99* 602 Application for Licence Verification 27.Apr.2016
100* 603 Application for Licence Verification of Occurrence(s) 27.Apr.2016
Part 65 Air Traffic Service Personnel Licences and Ratings
101 24065/01 Issue of Air Traffic Service Licence 31.May.2016
102 24065/02 Exchange of an Air Traffic Service Licence 31.May.2016
103 24065/03 Amendment to an Air Traffic Service Licence 31.May.2016
104 24065/04 Test Form ATS Examiner Rating 31.May.2016
105 24065/05 Application for ATS Examiner Test 31.May.2016
97* 600 Application for Replacement Licence / Aviation Document 27.Apr.2016
98* 601 Application for Exchange to New Format Licence 27.Apr.2016
99* 602 Application for Licence Verification 27.Apr.2016
100* 603 Application for Licence Verification of Occurrence(s) 27.Apr.2016
Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Licensing
106 24066/01 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence and/or Category 31.May.2016
107 24066/02 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence-Rating 27.Apr.2016
108 24066/03 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer – Maintenance Approval 27.Apr.2016
109 24066/04 Recognition of Foreign AME Licence 16.Mar.2020
110 24066/05 Application to Exchange to a MGL Part 66 Licence 27.Apr.2016
111 24066/06 Review of Airworthiness – Aeroplane Check List Report (including special category) 18.Mar.2020
112 24066/07 Review of Airworthiness – Helicopter Check List Report (including special category) 18.Mar.2020
113 24066/08 Recognition Act – Licence Registration – AME 25.Mar.2020
114 24066/10 Application for Inspection Authorisation Certificate – Initial Issue or Renewal 05.Feb.2016
115 24066/11 Application for Inspection Authorisation – Initial or Renewal Course 05.Feb.2016
116 24066/12 Check List Report – Hot Air Balloon 05.Feb.2016
97* 600 Application for Replacement Licence / Aviation Document 27.Apr.2016
98* 601 Application for Exchange to New Format Licence 27.Apr.2016
99* 602 Application for Licence Verification 27.Apr.2016
100* 603 Application for Licence Verification of Occurrence(s) 27.Apr.2016
Part 67 Medical Standards and Certification Required for Medical Certification
117 24067-001 Online Payment for Medical CertificationFrequently Asked Questions 11.Nov.2019
118 24067-002 Medical Examination Report 19.Apr.2017
119 24067-003 Medical Assessment Report 19.Apr.2017
120 24067-004 General Direction Submission Form 19.Apr.2017
121 24067-106 Consent Declaration and request regarding medical information 19.Apr.2017
122 24067-200 Microlight and Recreational Pilot medical statement 26.Mar.2020
123 24067-202 Electrocardiograph Request 19.Apr.2017
124 24067-203 Audiometry Report 19.Apr.2017
125 24067-204 In Flight Hearing Assessment Report 19.Apr.2017
126 24067-211 Special Eye Report 19.Apr.2017
127 24067-212 Operational colour vision assessment 26.Mar.2020
128 24067-213 Respiratory Examination Report 19.Apr.2017
129 24067-214 Blood Pressure Examination Report 19.Apr.2017
130 24067-215 Headache Investigation Report 19.Apr.2017
131 24067/216 Diabetes report 22.Mar.2023
132 24067-217 Aging Pilot Report 19.Apr.2017
133 24067-300 Accredited Medical Conclusion – Request for Identification of Experts 19.Apr.2017
134 24067-401 Suspension of Certificate 05.Feb.2016
135 24067-402 Restriction of Certificate 05.Feb.2016
136 24067-403 Withdrawal of Conditions, Restrictions and Endorsements 05.Feb.2016
137 24067-404 Cancellation of Suspension of Certificate 05.Feb.2016
138 24067-405 Extension of Suspension of Certificate 05.Feb.2016
139 24067-406 Extension of Restriction of Certificate 05.Feb.2016
140 24067-407 Application for Replacement of a Medical Certificate 05.Feb.2016
141 24067-502 Fit and Proper Person Questionnaire – Medical Examiner Designation 05.Feb.2016
142 MOT1440 Flight crew / ATCO Special report-diabetes 26.Mar.2020
Part 71 Designation and Classification of Airspace
143 24071/01 Application for designated airspace or reporting 05.Feb.2016
Part 77 Objects and Activities Affecting Navigable Airspace
144 24077/01A Notice of Proposal to Construct or Alter a structure – Part 77 05.Feb.2016
145 24077/01B Notice of Proposal to use a Light or Laser – Part 77 05.Feb.2016
146 24077/01C Notice of Proposal to use Pyrotechnics or Weapons – Part 77 05.Feb.2016
147 24077/01D Notice of proposal to discharge efflux – CAR Part 77 22.Mar.2023
Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
148 24091/01 Approval or revision of a Minimum Equipment List 24091/01 (MEL) 05.Feb.2016
149 24091/02 Application for Approval of Amendment of a Maintenance Program 05.Feb.2016
150 24091/03 Application for Aviation Event Authorisation 19.Apr.2017
151 24091/05 Application for Callsign 29.Mar.2016
152 24091/06 Application for a Temporary Extension to an Approved Maintenance 29.Mar.2016
153 24091/07 Operational Approvals Application 29.Mar.2016
154 24091/08 Application for GPS IFR Operational Approval under Part 91 04.Sep.2019
155 24091/09 Application for Electronic Flight Bag Use form 05.Feb.2016
156 091-10 PBN Approval Request for MGLFIR 19.Apr.2017
20* 800 Laser Beam Exposure Questionnaire 07.Jul.2022
157 23008 Flight Evaluation Schedule For GPS IFR Approval 03.Mar.2016
Part 92 Instrument Flight Procedures – Registration
158 24092/01 Application for issue or renewal of a packaging approval under Part 92 26.Mar.2020
159 24092/02DG Part 92 carriage of dangerous goods (DG) rule checklist 22.Mar.2023
Part 95 Instrument Flight Procedures – Registration
160 24095/01 Application for registration of an Instrument Flight 05.Feb.2016
Part 100 Safety Management
161 24100/01 Application for approval of SMS Implementation Plan 18.Feb.2020
162 24100/02 Safety Management System Evaluation Tool 18.Feb.2020
163 24100/03 Application for amendment of SMS Implementation Plan 18.Feb.2020
Part 101 Gyrogliders and Parasails, Unmanned Aircraft(including Balloons), Kites, and Rockets – Operating Rules
164 24101/02  Part 101 Compliance Matrix 15.Jan.2020
Part 102 Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certification
165 24102/01  Application for issue or renewal of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operator Certificate 19.Apr.2017
166 24102/02  Application for Amendment of an Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate 19.Apr.2017
167 24102/03  Part 102 Compliance Matrix 15.Jan.2020
168 24102/12 Exposition amendment summary for an unmanned aircraft operator 22.Mar.2023
Part 103 Microlight Aircraft – Certification and Operating Rules
169 24103/01  Application for Issue or Amendment of a Microlight Aircraft Flight Permit 06.Oct.2016
170 24103/02  Class 2 Microlight Survey Form 06.Oct.2016
Part 108 Air Operator Security Program
171 24108-02 Part 108 air operator & foreign air transport operator – security program rule checklist 03.Feb.2023
Part 109 Regulated Air Cargo Agent – Certification
172 24109/01 Application for Issue, Renewal, or Amendment of 24109/01 a Regulated Air Cargo Agent Certificate under Part 109 05.Feb.2016
173 24109/02 Part 109 Compliance Matrix 15.Jan.2020
174 24109/03 Part 109 Exposition Amendment Summary Sheet 26.Mar.2020
175 CA005R RACAs – Report an Occurrence 22.Mar.2023
Part 115 Adventure Aviation – Certification and Operations
176 24115/01 Application for Issue or Renewal of an Adventure Aviation Operator Certificate under Part 115 19.Apr.2017
177 24115/01A Part 115 – Request for unique identification of unregistered aircraft (parachute – hang glider – paraglider) 19.Apr.2017
178 24115/01B Change of Possession of Part 115 Unregistered Aircraft with Unique Identification (parachute – hang glider – paraglider) 19.Apr.2017
179 24115/01C Part 115 Removal Request (parachute – hang glider – paraglider) 19.Apr.2017
180 24115/02 Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Common Requirements 05.Apr.2021
181 24115/02I Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Hot Air Balloon Operations 05.Apr.2021
182 24115/02J Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Parachute Drop Aircraft Operations 05.Apr.2021
183 24115/02K Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Tandem Parachute Operations 05.Apr.2021
184 24115/02L Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Glider Operations 05.Apr.2021
185 24115/02M Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Hang Glider and Paraglider Operations 05.Apr.2021
186 24115/02O Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Special Aircraft Operations 05.Apr.2021
187 24115/02P Part 115 Compliance Matrix – Microlight Aircraft Operations 05.Apr.2021
188 24115/08 Exposition Amendment Summary Sheet for an Adventure Aviation Operator under Part 115 19.Apr.2017
189 24115/10 Application for Amendment of an Adventure Aviation Operator Certificate under Part 115 19.Apr.2017
Part 119 Air Operator – Certification
24119/00 Prospective Operator’s Pre-Assessment Statement 20.Nov.2023
190 24119/01 Application for Issue, renewal, or amendment of an Air Operator Certificate 27.Apr.2016
191* 24119/08 Part 119/121 Compliance Matrix – Operations 17.May.2021
192* 24119/08M Part 119/121/125 Compliance Matrix – Maintenance 26.Mar.2021
193* 24119/09 Part 119/125 Compliance Matrix – Operations 26.Mar.2021
194* 24119/10 Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Operations 26.Mar.2021
195* 24119/10M Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Maintenance 26.Mar.2021
196 24119/11 Application for Accreditation of a New or Modified Aeroplane Flight Simulator for Approved Uses 27.Apr.2016
197 24119/12 Exposition Amendment Summary Sheet for an Air Operator under Part 119 29.Mar.2016
Part 121 Air Operations – Large Aeroplanes
198 24121/15MR Part 121 Maintenance Review 22.Mar.2023
191* 24119/08 Part 119/121 Compliance Matrix – Operations 17.May.2021
192* 24119/08M Part 119/121/125 Compliance Matrix – Maintenance 26.Mar.2021
19* 605 – Part 121 Aircraft Operations Statistics Air Transport Operators 31.Oct.2018
Part 125 Air Operations – Medium Aeroplanes
199 24125/15MR Part 125 Maintenance Review 22.Mar.2023
192* 24119/08M Part 119/121/125 Compliance Matrix – Maintenance 26.Mar.2021
193* 24119/09 Part 119/125 Compliance Matrix – Operations 26.Mar.2021
19* 605 – Part 125 Aircraft Operations Statistics Air Transport Operators 31.Oct.2018
Part 129 Foreign Air Transport Operator – Certification
200 24129/01 Application for Issue, Renewal or Amendment of a Part 129 Certificate 10.May.2017
201 24129/01A Application for Part 129 FAOC – Addendum – Explanatory Notes for Drafting an Exposition 29.Mar.2016
202 24129/02 Part 129 Compliance Matrix 15.Jan.2020
Part 135 Air Operations – Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes
194* 24119/10 Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Operations 26.Mar.2021
195* 24119/10M Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Maintenance 26.Mar.2021
203 24135/01GAVFR Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Aeroplane VFR – Air Operator Certificate 26.Mar.2021
204 24135/02GAIFR Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Aeroplane IFR -Air Operator Certificate 26.Mar.2021
205 24135/03GAHVFR Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Helicopters VFR – GA Air Operator Certificate 26.Mar.2021
206 24135/04GAHIFR Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Helicopter IFR – Air Operator Certificate 26.Mar.2021
207 24135/05GAMGAM Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Maintenance – General Aviation Air Operator Certificate 26.Mar.2021
208 24135/06GAITC Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Internal Training and Competency 26.Mar.2021
209 24135/07GAETC Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – External Training and Competency 26.Mar.2021
210 24135/08GADG Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Dangerous Goods – Carriage under Rule 92.1 26.Mar.2021
211 24135/09GADGE Part 119/135 Compliance Matrix – Dangerous Goods – Carriage under Rule 92.11 26.Mar.2021
212 24135/15MR Part 135 Maintenance Review 22.Mar.2023
19* 605 – Part 135 Aircraft Operations Statistics Air Transport Operations 31.Oct.2018
Part 137 Agricultural Aircraft Operations
213 24137/01 Issue,renewal or amendment of an Agricultural 24137/01 Aircraft Operator Certificate 29.Mar.2016
214 24137/02 Nomination of Agricultural Chief Pilot 29.Mar.2016
215 24137/03 Agricultural Operations Statistics 29.Mar.2016
216 24137/04 Record of Annual Competency Check Aeroplane 29.Mar.2016
217 24137/05 Record of Annual Competency Check Helicopter 29.Mar.2016
218 24137/06 Part 137 Compliance Matrix – SMS 26.Mar.2021
219 24137/07 Documentation Amendment Summary Sheet for a Part 137 Agricultural Aircraft Operator 26.Mar.2020
19* 605 – Part 137 Aircraft Operations Statistics Helicopter and Agricultural Operators 31.Oct.2018
Part 139 Aerodromes – Certification, Operation and Use
220 24139/01 (En.)
24139/01 (Мон.)
Application for Issue or Renewal of an Aerodrome Operating Certificate under Part 139
ИНД 139-ийн дагуу Аэродромын үйл ажиллагааны гэрчилгээжүүлэлтийг шинээр авах эсхүл шинэчлэх өргөдөл
221 24139/02  Application for amendment of an Aerodrome Operating Certificate under Part 139 19.Apr.2017
222 24139/03  Application for the amendment of an aerodrome ATS status 19.Apr.2017
223 24139/04 Part 139 Compliance Matrix 26.Mar.2021
224 24139/05  Rules 139.76 and 139.411 Movement Data Reporting for Certificated and Qualifying Aerodromes 19.Apr.2017
225 24139/06 (En.)
24139/06 (Мон.)
Rule 139.505 Movement Data Reporting for Non-Certificated Aerodromes
ИНД 139.505 Гэрчилгээжээгүй нисэх буудалд мэдээлэх Хөдөлгөөний өгөгдөл
226 24139/07 Part 139 qualifying aerodrome compliance matrix 22.Mar.2023
Part 140 Aviation Security Services Organisations – Certification
227 24140/01  Issue or renewal of an Aviation Security Service Certificate 19.Apr.2017
228 24140/02  Part 140 Compliance Matrix 26.Aug.2019
Part 141 Aviation Training Organisations – Certification
229 24141/01 Issue, Renewal, or Amendment of an Aviation Training Organisation Certificate 09.May.2022
230 24141/02 Part 141 Compliance Matrix 04.Sep.2019
231 24141/03 Part 141 Exposition Amendment Summary Sheet 24141/03 for an Aviation Training Organisation 29.Mar.2016
19* 605 – Part 141 Aircraft Operations Statistics Training Operations 31.Oct.2018
Part 145 Aircraft Maintenance Organisations – Certification
232 24145/01 Maintenance Organisation Certificate 29.Mar.2016
233 24145/02 Part 145 Compliance Matrix 04.Sep.2019
234 24145/03 Exposition Amendment Summary Sheet for an 24145/03 Aircraft Maintenance Organisation under Civil 29.Mar.2016
Part 146 Aircraft Design Organisations – Certification
235 24146/01 Aircraft Design Organisation Certificate 29.Mar.2016
236 24146/02 Part 146 Compliance Matrix 15.Jan.2020
Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisations – Certification
237 24147-01 Application for issue, renewal, or amendment of a Maintenance Training Organisation Certificate under Part 147 29.Mar.2016
238 24147-02 Exposition Amendment Summary Sheet for a Maintenance Training Organisation Certificate under Part 147 29.Mar.2016
239 24147-03 Part 147 Compliance Matrix 15.Jan.2020
Part 148 Aircraft Manufacturing Organisations – Certification
240 24148/01 Aircraft Manufacturing Organisation Certificate 29.Mar.2016
241 24148/02 Part 148 Compliance Matrix 15.Jan.2020
Part 149 Aviation Recreation Organisations – Certification
242 24149/01 Aviation Recreation Organisation Certificate 19.Apr.2017
243 24149/02 Request for Vector Subscription for Part 149 Pilot / Parachutist Certificate Holders 19.Apr.2017
244 24149/03 Part 149 Compliance Matrix 26.Aug.2019
Part 157 Notice of Construction, Alteration, Activation, and Deactivation of Aerodromes
245 24157/01 Notice of Aerodrome/Heliport Proposal 19.Apr.2017
Part 171 Aeronautical Telecommunication Service Organisations – Certification
246 24171/01 Application for Issue or renewal of Telecommunication Services Certificate 29.Mar.2016
247 24171/02 Application for Identification Code or Call sign 29.Mar.2016
248 24171/03 Part 171 Compliance Matrix 25.Mar.2021
249 24171/04 Application for Amendment of a Telecommunication Service Certificate under Part 171 26.Mar.2020
Part 172 Air Traffic Service Organisations – Certification
250 24172/01 Application for Issue or Renewal of an Air Traffic Service Certificate 27.Apr.2016
251 24172/02 Part 172 Compliance Matrix 25.Mar.2021
252 24172/03 Application for Trial Under Civil Aviation Rule 27.Apr.2016
253 24172/04 Application for Amendment of an Air Traffic Service Certificate under Part 172 26.Mar.2020
Part 173 Instrument Flight Procedure Service Organisation – Certification and Operation
254 24173/01 Application for issue or renewal of an Instrument Flight Procedure Service Certificate under Part 173 27.Apr.2016
255 24173/02 Part 173 Compliance Matrix 25.Mar.2021
256 24173/03 Application for Amendment of an Instrument Flight Procedure Service Certificate under Part 173 26.Mar.2020
Part 174 Aviation Meteorological Service Organisations – Certification
257 24174/01 Application for Issue or Renewal of a Meteorological Service Organisation Certificate 27.Apr.2016
258 24174/02 Part 174 Compliance Matrix 25.Mar.2021
259 24174/03 Application for amendment of a meteorological service organisation certificate under Part 174 26.Mar.2020
Part 175 Aeronautical Information Service Organisations – Certification
260 24175/01 Application for Issue or Renewal of an Aeronautical Information Service Certificate 27.Apr.2016
261 24175/02 Part 175 Compliance Matrix 25.Mar.2021
262 24175/03 Application for amendment of an aeronautical information service certificate under Part 175 26.Mar.2020

* Давтагдсан маягт

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