ICAO State Letters 2018

ICAO State Letters 2018 State Letter Number Title Date 2018/114 Secondment Opportunities 21.Dec.2018 2018/113 Invitation to attend the 40th Session of the Assembly, Montréal, 24 September to 4 October 2019 28.Dec.2018 2018/112 Secondment Opportunities 12.Dec.2018 2018/111 Available Upon Release 2018/110 Establishment of a Technical Advisory Body (TAB) and developments on the emissions unit criteria (EUC) 5.Dec.2018 2018/109 Appointment of an External Auditor of the Organization 21.Nov.2018 2018/108 Assessments payable by Member States for 2019 and outstanding amounts due for prior years 30.Nov.2018 2018/107 Cancelled 2018/106 Proposed amendments to Annexes 11 and 15 related to contingency planning regarding conflict zones 16.Nov.2018 2018/105 Study of international airline operating economics 1.Nov.2018 2018/104 Secondment Opportunities 15.Nov.2018 2018/104 Corrigendum Secondment Opportunities 13.Dec.2018 2018/103 Proposals for the amendment of Annex 14, Volume I and consequential amendments to Annex 4, PANS-Aerodromes (Doc 9981) and PANS-AIM (Doc 1006... Read More

ICAO State Letters 2019

ICAO State Letters 2019 State Letter Number Title Date 2019/90 Establishment of an ICAO Liaison Officer for Pacific Small Island Developing States 23.Dec.2019 2019/89 Monitoring of active or potentially active volcanoes by State volcano observatories 16.Dec.2019 2019/88 Entry into force of the Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, done at Montréal on 4 April 2014 (Doc 10034) 10.Dec.2019 2019/87 Rollout of the new ICAO satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) channel assignment tool 20.Dec.2019 2019/86 Assessments payable by Member States for 2020 and outstanding amounts due for prior years 29.Nov.2019 2019/85 Adoption of Amendment 17 to Annex 17 16.Dec.2019 2019/84 Proposed Third High-level Safety Conference (HLSC 2021) 18.Nov.2019 2019/83 Survey on assistance to passengers and ICAO core principles on consumer protection 6.Dec.2019 2019/82 Survey on States’ implementation of ICAO policies on charges for airports and air navigation services 17.Dec.2019 2019/81 Available Upon Release 2019/80 Secondment Oppo... Read More

ICAO State Letters 2020

ICAO State Letters 2020 State Letter Number Title Date 2020/136 Transition to Normal Compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) 23.Dec.2020 2020/135 Cancelled 2020/134 Tariffs for Airports and Air Navigation Services (Doc 7100) 29.Dec.2020 2020/133 Cancelled 2020/132 Survey on the Technical Assistance to Member States 8.Dec.2020 2020/131 Proposed High-level Conference on COVID-19 (HLCC 2021) 15.Dec.2020 2020/130 Proposed amendment to PANS-ATM relating to approach phraseology arising from the fifth meeting of the Air Traffic Management Operations Panel (ATMOPSP/5) 21.Dec.2020 2020/129 Maintaining efficient air cargo operations during the COVID-19 pandemic 9.Dec.2020 2020/128 Secondment Opportunities 14.Dec.2020 2020/127 Adoption of Amendment 91 to Annex 10, Volume III 9.Dec.2020 2020/126 Reminder – Phasing out of Account consignors and similar entities involved in implementing security controls for air cargo and mail 30.Nov.2020 2020/125 ICAO Year of Security Culture 2021 13.Nov.2020 2020/124 Cancelled 2020/123 Corrigendum ... Read More


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