Published on 2014-07-25

And then you get some fool comes along and says

Offense is something you choose to take

‘s Theory 47;is a “Tongue in cheek” article, intended as much for entertainment as to seriously address any social issue or events. It is intended only to provoke thought, not to persuade. have this theory that there are just too many people walking around looking to be offended these days. No wonder there are so many wars and such. Or maybe it’s just me, because moncler outlet store I’ve always had trouble talking to people. I mean, it’s not that I’m shy or anything, but it’s just that people are so dang inaccurate with the things they say. But despite cheap moncler jackets sale that, people don’t seem to want to give each other the benefit of the doubt when they hear something that may or may not be offensive. Everyone’s always to eager to be offended; well it’s true, we live in an age when it’s trendy to be the victim. Everyone wants to be a victim. Everyone’s looking for some reason to be oppressed; offended. Sometimes I get so weary of walking on egg shells with people.It’s always been like that for me, I mean, right moncler jacket sale from the git go, right from when I was just a little kid. My mom would say, “, you’ve got your shoes on the wrong feet.” so naturally, I’d have to inform her, “Jeez mom, these are the only feet I’ve got!”, and sure enough, moncler jackets outlet she’d act like I’d been sassing her or something.Or sometimes I’d be out playing in the yard and mom would yell, “BAXTER!” so I’d yell back, “MOM!”, moncler outlet jackets and she’d get all excited sounding and yell, “WHAT?”, and I’d yell back, “I DON’T KNOW!” and she’d yell, “ARE YOU OKAY?” and I’d yell back, “JEEZ MOM, I’M JUST A LITTLE KID! cheap moncler I DON’T HAVE ANYONE TO COMPARE MYSELF TOO YET!” and she’d yell, “YOU LITTLE BRAT! WHEN I GET A HOLT OF YOU” yada, yada, yada.Or, mom would put out a tray of fresh cookies or something good like that and she’d tell me, “Now if you touch it, you have to eat it.”, so as quick as I could I’d run my fingers over the whole damn plate of cookies, and she’d get mad at cheap moncler jackets me. Go figure.Yeah, see, and it’s hard to understand what people want when they ask you inaccurate or incomplete questions, you know? Yet they get all offended when I don’t answer the way they want me too. Like, people will walk up to me in some social event and say to me, “How are you?” so naturally my answer used to be, “Well, all my girlfriends say I’m pretty darn good!” This of course then begs the question, “And why are YOU asking?” See the question “How are you?” is just too open. But hey, I’m not a stupid social misfit or anything, I mean I finally figured out what people were asking me so now when they ask me, “How are you?” I just give them the appropriate answer, “Well, I guess that’s a matter of opinion, but I think I’m pretty damn good!” There’s always some git that still gets offended, but hey, he asked the damn question didn’t he? Don’t ask the question if you aren’t prepared moncler outlet online to accept the answer, I say.And then you get some fool comes along and says, “How do you do?” Well, jeez, “How do I do what?” I used to say, “I do just fine if I’m left to it, thank you very much!”, but people don’t seem to like that answer too much. Again, it offends them. So now, I’ve found an answer that seems to satisfy. Well, it invariably ends the open moncler sale ended question session anyway. Now I just set down whatever is in my hands, mime standing at a urinal, and say, “Like this.”See, It’s like when someone says, “It’s raining out.” Well, I mean, “What’s raining out?” or someone will say, “It’s cold out!” cheap moncler outlet Well jeez man, put it in where it’ll be warm!” Or they’ll say, “It’s nice out.” Ohhhh, too much information man. And you hear people say all the time, “I wonder what time it is?” Sheesh! “What time what is?Ohhhh, I see what you mean! Well, it’s right NOW. When other time could it be?”, and sure enough, they act like you’ve called them stupid or something. Jeez, it was their stupid question, wasn’t it?But when I say something like, “It’s tired out.”, or “Geez, it’s sure hungry in!” they look at me like I’m nuts or something. Go figure.Or, you know like, sometimes I’m just sitting in a restaurant with someone, and they’ll be reaching for something and like out of the blue they’ll say, “‘Scuse me.” Well, what’s that all about? So of course I have to ask them, “Why, what’d you do? Did you fart?” and it’s offense time again.But it must be me, you see, because everyone else seems to get it, so I’ve been trying to be more sociable like and make small talk like other people do. I try to set people at ease, moncler sale outlet like when they get up to go to the toilet in a public place or something, I’ll say, “Hope everything comes out all right!” I mean, you hear people say that all the time, right?But yeah, people choose to be offended rather than give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you just trying to answer their dumb question politely. Sometimes not even questions. Like this time this pretty girl in this restaurant passed our table on the way to the bathrooms, and after she’d passed, me and my buddies were complimenting her moncler outlet on her fashion choices, ya know, just between ourselves like. Not so as she’d hear us, you understand. Well, in a few minutes I could hear the towel dispenser being used, ya know, that “thump, thump” noise, so when she walked by Moncler Outlet us again, I asked her, all friendly and neighborly like, “Excuse me, but could you hear us in moncler outlet uk there? ‘Cause we could sure hear you out here!” and what does she do? Kicks my shin and walks away. What was that all about? Huh? Sheesh!Yeah, I figure offense isn’t something you are given, it’s something you choose to take. This ol’ world would be a lot easier to live in if everyone just thickened up their skins a little; that’s my theory anyway.

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