Published on 2013-07-13

I been absolutely astonished at the result that that programme

BBC announces major initiative ‘Plastics Watch’ following the global impact of Blue Planet II

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Today the BBC announces the launch of Plastics Watch, including new programme commissions and digital content, as part of a pan BBC initiative looking at the changes happening across the UK and the wider world in tackling plastic pollution, following the huge global impact of Blue Planet II.

canada goose outlet website legit Six months on from the final episode of the groundbreaking BBC Studios Natural History Unit series Blue Planet II, which saw 62 percent of surveyed UK audiences say they wanted to make changes in their daily lives to reduce pollution of our canada goose outlet toronto factory oceans, the new multi platform initiative launches today with a brand new online short presented by world renowned naturalist and presenter of Blue Planet II, Sir David Attenborough. canada goose outlet website legit

Sir David Attenborough says: hoped that Blue Planet II canada goose outlet would open people eyes to the damage that we are doing to our oceans and the creatures that live in them. I been absolutely astonished at the result that that programme has had. I never imagined there would be quite so many of you who would be inspired to want change. The strength of your response has not gone unnoticed in the corridors of power, or in business boardrooms. The actions of any just one of us may seem to be trivial and to have no effect. But the knowledge that there are thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who are doing the same thing that really does have an effect so please join us.

canada goose outlet las vegas This comes on the back of the BBC own commitments to cut single use plastics which have already seen plastic cutlery and plastic take away food containers removed from BBC buildings, with plastic cups being replaced by the end of the year. canada goose outlet las vegas

Tony Hall, BBC Director General, said: months since the BBC Blue Planet II became part of the national conversation; we seen an extraordinary public response to the environmental issues the programme raised, in particular plastic pollution. I want the BBC to lead by example with our commitment to banning single use plastics by 2020 which I am pleased to say is progressing ahead of schedule. From today, Plastics Watch will reflect the changes happening around the UK and wider world, bringing together the bigger picture to inform, inspire and enable the public to make meaningful choices around their use of plastic. One Blue Planet II, which reached a total of 37.6m in the UK (over 62 percent of the UK canadagoosetomall population) and was the most watched television programme of 2017, attracted global attention in highlighting the damaging impact single use plastic is having on the world oceans and environment. Seventy eight percent of surveyed UK audiences said it made them care more about conservation, and the public was driven to act, with significant increases in internet searches such as of plastic in the ocean (100 percent increase post series launch) and recycling (55 percent increase post series finale). The societal impact of Blue Planet II has been wide canada goose outlet store reaching, canada goose factory outlet with plastics becoming both a national and political talking point, after it was highlighted in the 2017 Budget speech and lead to change in government environmental policy.

canada goose outlet authentic A new online short presented by Sir David Attenborough looks at the role that Blue Planet II has played in inspiring audiences and pushing the topic of plastic waste right up the political agenda. Featuring canada goose outlet black friday audiences in the UK and in China who have been inspired to make changes in their lives to reduce their footprint after watching the series, David highlights the UK effort so far and calls for the public to join in. canada goose outlet authentic

On BBC One, Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall will present War On Plastics, continuing the work he started in canada goose outlet Hugh War On Waste. Since Hugh exposed the fact that billions of disposable coffee cups never get recycled, consumers have been encouraged to change their behaviour and carry re usable coffee cups and the big coffee companies have been forced to try and find a solution to the disposable cup problem.

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As part of Plastics Watch, Liz Bonnin is filming short video diaries to share her journey as it happens, online, and documenting the findings of canada goose outlet reviews Drowning In Plastic. In the first of the international shoots Liz finds animals struggling to cope with a daily deluge of canada goose outlet shop plastic waste and with her team sees young Flesh Footed Shearwater birds whose stomachs were full of plastic as shown canada goose outlet jackets in a video diary film released today on Plastics Watch.

canada goose outlet black friday sale And later this year, also on BBC One, Stacey Dooley will present The Truth About What You Wear. Few people are aware that alongside the oil, coal and palm oil industries, the clothing industry is one of the most damaging to the environment and our wildlife. Revealing how our passion for fast fashion is threatening endangered species such as orangutans and jaguars, Stacey will hold some of the big clothing brands to account and challenge them to change their practices and help save the planet wildlife. canada goose outlet black friday sale

canada goose outlet washington dc Plastic Watch Digital Content A series of online films from BBC Studios Natural History Unit will reveal the full extent of the plastics issue through statistics. Every year in the UK, we use nearly 7.7 billion single use plastic water bottles and 16.5 billion pieces of single use plastic cutlery. However, behind the bleak statistics each film will also calculate the plastic waste that can be prevented and the positive impact on the environment if the UK public adopts a change in behaviour. canada goose outlet washington dc

A new public participation site, Plastics Action, will aim to enable the whole of the UK to become PlasticsAction heroes by choosing one (or more) of five suggested actions to reduce their plastic footprint. Chosen in consultation with leading organisations in the field, the five small changes that can make a big difference are starting to use a re useable bottle, coffee cup, straw, lunch box or shopping bag.

Audiences can also take part by making their own suggestions. During this initiative the BBC will gather information from across the canada goose outlet online uk UK, broken down by age range and region, in order to see what individuals are doing through the Plastics Action website, which canada goose jacket outlet has been produced in partnership with The canada goose outlet store uk Open University.

canada goose outlet sale The BBC committed earlier this year to removing all single use plastic from its operations by 2020 and changes are rapidly progressing with the three step plan. All plastic cutlery and plastic take away food containers have now been removed from BBC buildings ahead of target and we on track to remove plastic cups by the end of the year. canada goose outlet sale

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A BBC Teach Live Lesson will be streamed into classrooms at the end of March 2019 (w/c 25 March) as part of Plastics Watch. The 30 minute live interactive teaching resource, created by BBC Learning, will focus on environmental topics for primary school children.

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been absolutely astonished at the result that that programme has had. I never imagined there would be quite so many of you who would be inspired to want change.”

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