Published on 2014-04-08

I always balancing the bad with the good

overview for GivePhysics

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Bingo this. A huge part of the problem I have with my employer is that my boss and my bosses boss are inept and bad at their jobs. I don admire them as engineers, they both run their jobs like politicians. And my boss has this unreasonable expectation that because he been with the organization he deserves to continue to move up the ladder. This one engineer, my old mentor, whom I still greatly admire and works for a different department now in the agency, was best replica bags online also my current manager boss and mentor. So now my current good quality replica bags boss is trying to fill these giant shoes and he continues to make mistakes, cause problems, do nothing, is completely disorganized, designer replica luggage doesn fulfill obligations and has a huge temper and has soured a bunch of relationships with agencies we have to work with on a frequent basis. The head of the dept. is clearly spiking his retirement, has ZERO interest in resolving internal strife among the lower tier employees and his lack of will and fumbling engineering ability ripples throughout the agency with a hugely negative cast. When people from other depts. find out this guy is one of my bosses, they usually apologize. His emphasis is always “Customer service. best replica bags Customer service. More, better, always customer service.” Which is honestly meaningless to us because we never had a customer service problem here. Routinely people before this guy ever showed up said we run the organization well and that as far as I been with the agency never heard or read a single complaint about our customer service; yet there all this drive to make it better. So I have these group of uninspiring jackasses in these higher positions who are fucking up the processes, or ignoring them completely, have no interest in working with other departments properly and who undermine the core values of being a civil servant and working for the people. It frustrating. So yeah, I think a hugeeeeee part of the problem is management. It one of the primary reasons why so many people have left.

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I really appreciate your thoughtful and insightful comment. Thanks for exploring this subject with me and for your perspectives, reassurances and devil advocacy. Makes me more mindful of the overall situation.

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