Published on 2018-08-27



Worldwide, civil aviation is classified in two categories: regular, commercial air transportation for passenger and cargo and general aviation. Within this general classification, general aviation operations shall be administered by related rules of the Civil Aviation Regulations.

The wide range of the utilization of the general aviation would play important role in the national economy.  In addition to the charter flights for the mining company, aerial agro-chemicals services, aerial photographs, air ambulance assistance, aerial surveys, development of the general aviation plays considerable social and economic important role in the weather  forecast surveys, auto traffic patrols, monitoring, logging, wildlife survey and accounting, control animal migration, survey on the natural environment, tourism, air taxi, business and personal use.

In order to expand and develop these activities, there with required to undertake a wide range of tasks, which would cover almost all national economy branches, territorial aspects as like to perfect the legal environment, improve infrastructure, prepare pilots, engineers and technicians, establish aircraft maintenance and air fuel supply networks;

If look to the present earth transport map one can find that 16 of the 21 aimags (provinces) centers in Mongolia are connected with the asphalt paved roads, auto transport network has being improved, the confortable intercity transport busses are operating the regular carriage to the all province center and 53 somons (local smallest administrative unit) and settlements, intercity bus transportation is being increased annually to the new 3-4 directions. As a result of this progress, due to the comparatively expensive  price of the air  transportation, the availability for passengers has being reduced and air transportation is currently providing flights to 6 destinations in winter and 8 destination in summer.

In the civil aviation sector 7 entities and individuals conduct seasonally flight operations  with 17 small aircraft and helicopters. There is also functioning one private flying school. Fuel supply for general-purpose aircraft has being serviced at the local airports. There are 10 local airports of permanent operation and another 12 airports, which  are exploited as the alternative airports, 19 of which are functioning under the Civil Aviation Authority and 3  airports are privately owned.

With the development of the mining sector in Mongolia, the business flight market has been expanded year by year. Only in 2017, 215.7 thousand passengers have been chartered from/to Oyu Tolgoi and Ovoot, on the mining companies requests, the amount of transported passengers is twice bigger than the total passengers of domestic scheduled flights.

There is a lack of socially compulsory flights, such as an air ambulance assistance, emergency situation operations, agriculture and environmental protection, and with the development of the modern technics and technology, modern business and leisure businesses, has been increased the need to promote the flights for official and private travel, air taxis services.

In spite of the situation that there are 9 set of civil aviation rules, governing the operation of general aviation, and around 10 set of the regulatory documents, mandatory for general purpose flight operations, in conjunction with the absence of the proper legal regulation in the State law on Civil Aviation, to the general aviation activities has being forwarded the special permission requirements, which served as the ground to arise the reasonable necessity to establish appropriate consensus, related to the practical use, such as flight operations, air space organization, selection of the landing area.

As a result of the surveys, a totally  identified 116 locations of the earlier used flight strips, runways, used for charter and agricultural purposes flights, located in the considerably large settlement areas. We consider that there is an wide-range   possibility to  create general aviation large infrastructure network, replying the accomplishment of the flight safety requirements, provided that establishing the air fuel supply and technical service network, allocate signs and remarks, ring-fence for protection from domestic and wild animals, water floods, fires.

“General aviation development program” – (hereinafter referred to as the Program) has been constituted on the base of the experience of the international aviation community, historical annals of the civil aviation of Mongolia, with a view of the necessity to develop the general aviation, which is accepted as the considerable important and covering wide range of the national economy branches, with the expected positive economical and social outcomes, exceeding all expectation surpass results, eligible sector of minimum budget  embarrassment, available to be developed on the base of the private sector.

The program aims to promote the development of general-purpose aviation, set in the   policies and programs as the “Sustainable Development Concept of Mongolia-2030”, “State Policy on the Civil Aviation Sector up to 2020” and the Government Action Program (2016-2020).


2.1. The objective of this program is aimed to develop the general aviation, enhance the strengthening of the financial, economic and legal environment, improve the general aviation infrastructure, promote the state-public-private sectors partnerships, encourage  the participation of the private sectors and citizens, expand the activities through the  co-integration between the other economic sectors, sophisticate the general aviation system, increase the actual benefits and real influence to the social development.

2.2. In the program goals, objectives are determined as follows:

2.2.1. Establish financial, economic and legal ground for general aviation development;

2.2.2. Develop the general aviation infrastructure and increase social and economic benefits;

2.2.3. Improve the management of air space to be used for general aviation purpose;

2.2.4. Establish training system for general aviation personnel;

2.2.5. Establish general aviation aircrafts manufacturing and maintenance and repair centralized station, establish maintenance and repair network for general aviation aircraft;

2.2.6. Establish air fuel supply network for general purpose aircraft;

2.2.7. Encourage and promote the use of aircraft for personal use.


3.1. Within the scope of Program objectives “Constitution of the financial, economic and legal environment for the development of General aviation”:

3.1.1. Insert the general aviation regulation into the Civil Aviation Law and upgrade the civil aviation package rules and regulations;

3.1.2. Enable the simplification of the procedures on granting the permission, issue of the license for the general aviation activities, improve flight requests, flight planning procedures and air traffic service rules and procedures;

3.1.3. Clarify the requirements, rights, obligations and liabilities on security and safety issues for the Government agencies and participants in the general aviation activities;

3.1.4. Improve the coordination of the use of general-purpose aircraft for the needs of agricultural, emergency situation operation, public  health, natural environmental protection, military defense, border troops, police and other state and public bodies;

3.1.5. Establish a system for providing leasing, concessional loans and other governmental financial support to conduct  the general aviation operations;

3.1.6. Encourage citizens to obtain aircraft and helicopters for personal use through state tax policy;

3.1.7. Determine the size and location of land for the general aviation purpose utilization together with the local governments and to take measures to reduce limit or release from the land usage fee during the program implementation;

3.1.8. Establish a regulation on the provision of essential air services to the remote somon and urban settlements by the general purpose aircraft.

3.2.    Within the framework of the objectives to develop general aviation infrastructure and to maximize socio-economic benefits:

3.2.1. Reorganize the parts of the existing Chinggis Khan International Airport as the general aviation center, after inauguration of the new Ulaanbaatar international airport;

3.2.2. Rehabilitate the local unused airports, runways, flight strips and airport aprons and use for general aviation;

3.2.3. Construct helicopter aerodrome at the roofs of the buildings, urban roads and squares, submit for approval standards, procedural legal acts of the performances  and implement them;

3.2.4. Construct public use helicopter aerodromes in the cities and urban settlement areas;

3.2.5. Support the capital investment of local government, public-private partnerships and the private sector in the construction of the runways, air strips, helicopter aerodromes;

3.2.6. Increase the social- economic benefits from the following operations of the general aviation aircrafts, through the  state support;  In the agriculture sector, protection of the pasture and cultivated area from insect-pests, rodents; Fire fighting in the forest and steppe zones and patrolling; Medical emergency assistance; Participation in the search and rescue operations Air geophysical surveys and aerial mapping; Developing aero-sports and parachute club activities; Conducting weather surveys and scientific researches; Perform patrol and control on the road transport network; Conducting wildlife surveys, animal accounting and their migration; Putting out Air and surrounding nature surveillance; Services of tourism and air taxi; Perform business travel purpose flight; Conduct research and fight for forest insect and disease; Use for private use; Other activities.

3.3. Within the scope of the improvement of air space management and organization for the general aviation purposes:

3.3.1.  Improve the meres of responsibilities for providing air traffic services for the general aviation activities in the frame of related regulations;

3.3.2. To reorganize the airspace, to be used for general-purpose aircraft operations, and simplify its utilization;

3.3.3. Provide a system of reporting of the information on uncontrolled airspace to users and provide with the relevant documentation and handbooks;

3.4. In the frame of the tasks on the establishment of the of training system for the general aviation staff:

3.4.1. Establish a primary training system on the private pilots training, further more  establish training center, capable to organize the training  in the regional scale, which meets international standards, basing on the general aviation infrastructure;

3.4.2. Implement step by step the training program for the foreign and domestic

general aviation personnel, such as pilots, engineers and technical


3.4.3. Support the establishment of the private aviation training organizations and

private flying clubs;

3.5. Within the framework of establishment of the manufacturing, maintenance,  repair service center for a small aircraft, establishment of the repair and maintenance network:

3.5.1. Provide long-term soft loans and render the other mode of financial support for the introduction of advanced international aviation technology, equipment, for the assembling and manufacturing small aircrafts,  compatible with own country conditions;

3.5.2. Establish assembling centers for , manufacturing, testing and perform maintenance of  small aircrafts;

3.5.3. Support the establishment of a general-purpose aircraft maintenance and service entities in central settlement area and localities, and create a maintenance network;

3.5.4. Establish a supply and service system for general purpose aircraft spare parts and equipment.

3.6.    Within the framework of establishing a general purpose aircraft fuel supply network:

3.6.1. Provide possibility to supply from different sources with the air fuel and other types of fuel, used in general purpose aircrafts,;

3.6.2. Support establishment of fuel supply service station for a general aviation aircrafts in central and local areas;

3.7.   Within the framework of promoting the development of an aircraft for

personal use:

3.7.1. Establish standards and requirements for small aircraft and helicopters to be used for personal needs and create appropriate regulations;

3.7.2. Provide long-term soft loans and other models of financial support to purchase and lease aircraft;

3.7.3. Create a possible lowest level of the regulatory requirements for the communication and navigation equipment, to be installed,  in the aircrafts, operating in the uncontrolled airspace;



 4.1. The program will be implemented in a single phase during the period 2018-2022.

4.2. Implementation of the program will achieve the following outcomes:

4.2.1. The implementation of the objective No.1 of the Program will achieve improvement of the legal regulations of the general aviation development  and would be created a favorable legal and economic environment for economical entities and individuals to be engaged in the general aviation activity;

4.2.2. The implementation of the objective No.2 of the Program will increase the number of runways and helicopter-aerodromes for use of the general purpose aircrafts,  will increase flights for tourism, mining area, business and air taxi services, which will lead to the increase of the real benefits from civil aviation sector;

4.2.3. The implementation of the objective No.3 of the Program will improve the organization of the airspace for the general aviation use and its legal environment;

4.2.4. possibility to establish a training center basing on the general aviation infrastructure, which would be capable to organize the training  of the general aviation staff in the regional scale, complying with the international standards;

4.2.5. The implementation of the  objective 4 of the Program will create favorable ground for small aircraft assembling and production facilities development and expansion of the general aviation aircraft maintenance and services network in the country;

4.2.6. The implementation of the objective 6 of the Program will enable the supply of air-fuel from multiple sources and the development of aircraft fuel supply network in central and local areas.

4.2.7 The implementation of the objective 7 of the Program will enable citizens  to obtain aircraft for personal use, through these opportunity to meet their demand for transportation, expand individual and private sector business flight operations and will serve as the support to promote the new types of modern services.

4.3. The results of the program are evaluated with the following key indicators: These include:

No                 Indicator Accounting unit Base level





1. Foreign, internal and private investment. mln  ₮ 1,025.0 10,000.0
2. Number of general aviation pilot quantity 31 100
3. Small size airplane of general aviation quantity 17 35
4. Runway and helicopter aerodrome  for medical ambulance, emergency purpose flights use quantity 3 10
5. Permanent and short term use runways and helicopter aerodrome quantity 20 116
6. Flights operated in the uncontrolled air space flights 125 800
7. Flights to the remote area located somons hour 176 3500
8. Flights to the mining area flights 1130 2850
9. Staff, trained in the educational entities quantity 8 130
10. Educational entities quantity 13 25
11. Aircraft maintenance organization quantity 12 60
12. Aircraft refueling organizations quantity 3 30
13. Holder of PPL(private pilot license ) quantity 17 150

4.4. The state central administrative body in charge of civil aviation shall establish each targeted level for each indicator annually.



5.1. The implementation of the Program shall be financed from the following sources:

5.1.1. State and local budget;

5.1.2. Private investment, donations and assistance;

5.1.3. The capital, collected in a result of the public-private partnership;

5.1.4. Donations from international organizations, donor countries and financing from projects and programs;

5.1.5. Other sources.

5.2. According to the Program Implementation Action Plan, the funds required for the activities of this year, shall be included in the annual budget and from other relevant sources.

Six. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation

6.1. The state central administrative organization, in charge of civil aviation shall organize annual monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of the national program in accordance with Article 10.7 of the “Law on Policy and Planning Development”, submit the report to the Government Cabinet Secretariat.

6.2 Organize the intensification of the implementation, take necessary action for amendments to the program, basing on the interim and final conclusions, recommendations, monitoring and evaluation process.

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