Mission of division: Within the framework of the 1st objective of the operational strategy, this unit organizes the introduction of safety management, issues certificates, certifies the main professional personnel of civil aviation, supervises the implementation of the safety system of certified organizations, and ensures the safety of aviation by organizations engaged in civil aviation operations. carry out professional supervision and regulation aimed at the availability. Regulatory framework: Chicago Convention on International civil aviation, ICAO standards and recommended practices, Mongolian Civil Aviation Law and other associated law, Mongolian civil aviation rules, DG safety orders, manuals and procedures. Operation: According to Civil Aviation Law of Mongolia, regulatory functions such as the surveillance and oversight for the operation of civil aviation activities implemented by the Aviation Safety Oversight  and Regulations Department (ASORD) of the MCAA. The Department is headed by the Deputy Director General of MCAA and Aviation Safety Oversight and Regulation Department. Air carrier certification, suspension, extension, cancel... Read More


Mission of division: To implement safety surveillance on flight safety in scope of 18 parts of MCAR’s, designated by the Director General. Regulatory framework: Chicago Convention on International civil aviation, ICAO standards and recommended practices, Mongolian Civil Aviation Law and other associated law, Mongolian civil aviation rules, DG safety orders, manuals and procedures. Operation: Carry out flight safety oversight responsibilities by conducting: Certification Planned audit Unplanned audit Document evaluation and Random inspection of national air operators, foreign air operators, agricultural aircraft operators, adventure aviation operators, aviation recreation organizations, unmanned aircraft operators, flight training organizations, designated flight examiners, issuance of special flight approvals (RVSM, PBN, EFB, EDTO etc). FSOODivision staffing: Approved number of inspectors -12 Director of FSOOD and flight operation inspector Senior inspector for flight operation Senior inspector for ground operation and dangerous goods inspector Flight operation inspector Cabin safety and ground operation inspector Flight ... Read More


Purpos: This unit will implement professional supervision and regulation to ensure the safety and security of civil aviation within the framework of the rights transferred from the head of the General Director of Civil Aviation /13 regulations of civil aviation/. Legal framework: Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, Mongolia's Law on Civil Aviation and other laws, practical recommendations issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization, MCAR, aviation standard requirements, orders, procedures and instructions of the head of the CAA. Activities: Certification of civil aircraft, certification of aircraft technical service organizations, aircraft fuel supply organizations, and compliance with Civil Aviation Law and Regulation. Certification of air carriers, agricultural and amateur flight organizations and flying clubs will be carried out in cooperation with the Flight Standard, Operations Oversight Division. It includes: certification scheduled inspection unplanned inspection document control unannounced inspections Organizational Structure of the Division: Total staff - 8 Head of the airworthiness divis... Read More


Mission of division: To implement safety surveillance on flight safety in scope of 7 parts of MCAR’s, designated by the Director General. Regulatory framework: Chicago Convention on International civil aviation, ICAO standards and recommended practices, Mongolian Civil Aviation Law and other associated law, Mongolian civil aviation rules, DG safety orders, manuals and procedures. Operation: Accreditation and certification of civil aviation main professional personnel, certification of civil aviation training organization, including: Audit/operation: Planned audit Unplanned audit Document evaluation Spot check/inspection Personnel: PART-61 “Pilot Licences and Ratings” PART-63 “Flight Engineer Licences and Ratings” PART-65 “Air Traffic Service Personnel Licences and Ratings” PART-66 “Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Licensing and Ratings” PART-67 “Medical Standards and Certification” Organization: PART-141 “Aviation Training Organisations” PART-147 “Aviation Maintenance Training Organisations” PEL Division staffing: Approved number of inspectors -8 Head of Personnel Licen... Read More

Aerodrome And Air Navigation Oversight Division

Objective: To provide the oversight of aviation services safety and security activities under the delegated authority of Director General of the CAA of Mongolia. Scope of activities: Main activities of AANOD is to issue, renew, revocate and cease the certificates of Aerodrome, Air Traffic Service Organization, Aeronautical Telecommunication Services Organization, Instrument Flight Procedure Service Organization, Aeronautical Information Service Organization, Aviation Meteorological Service Organization, Aviation Security Service Organization and Regulated Air Cargo Agent under the Mongolian Civil Aviation Regulations. Also AANOD is surveying certificated organizations operation for the fulfillment of related civil aviation legislations, relevant standards and regulations; and the acceptance of the operational procedures and manuals. Aviation safety and security surveillance activities are implemented through the following: Certification Audit Inspections /scheduled, unscheduled and follow-up inspections/ Document control Continues monitoring Structure: Total number of staff 12 Head of the Aerodrome and Air Navigations Oversigh... Read More

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